8.9 キラキラTVパラダイス 1st MV “Mind Paint” Release Party!!



1st MV “Mind Paint” Release Party!!

20:00 START / 入場料 : ¥1000 (限定30名完全予約制 / 要1DRINK ORDER)
《“Mind Paint / Ukiuki” 2曲入シングルCD付》

●DJ:  Mathilda / Free P / Sho Chikuba / Hal / Kanata etc..

Author: MHz

平日はおいしい珈琲やお酒、フードが楽しめリラックスした雰囲気のCafeBar。週末はDJ、LIVE、WORKSHOP等様々なイベントが開催されています。 MEGAHERTZ opened in 1999 as a space for people to enjoy aspects of culture, such as music, fashion, photography, design, various cuisine, coffee, and friendly interaction. We are open daily as a cafe/bar where we, at times, hold DJ parties, art exhibitions, and workshops. Please check our schedule and then stop in every chance you get! Enjoy together!!